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  • Dr. Sangeetha Priya

Yes Pregnant Mommies! Its Time For Some Extra Oral Hygiene Care

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey and it is a dynamic state leading to several physiological transient changes in the body systems including the oral cavity. This is due to the role of high levels of circulating hormones. Also, the dental management of pregnant patients involves special considerations.

Various studies have found evidence linking together poor maternal oral health, pregnancy outcomes, and dental health of the offspring.

Unfortunately, apart from self-maintenance of oral hygiene, pregnant women face several other barriers to achieving optimal oral health. These barriers to seeking dental services include

  • Lack of knowledge and value,

  • Negative impact during previous dental experiences,

  • Fear and procrastination

  • Negligence

Similarly, incorrect assumptions, lack of knowledge or experience often play a role in the hesitance shown by dentists in providing dental care for pregnant women. Oral health promotion, disease prevention, early detection, and timely intervention are crucial aspects of maternal oral health.

So what are the most common dental complaints which can possibly arise during pregnancy?

  1. Dental caries

  2. Increased plaque deposition

  3. Alterations in salivary flow

  4. Change in colour and swollen gums/ gingivitis

  5. Sudden growth over the gums / pyogenic granuloma

  6. Mild to severe tooth mobility/periodontitis

  7. And rarely tooth erosion, which may be due to pregnancy-induced vomiting

As discussed earlier, most of these complaints are due to pregnancy hormonal changes. But it doesn’t mean all of them will get rectified after the pregnancy window.

Certain conditions would require immediate treatment under safety precautions and under a Gynecologist's opinion if in case need. While some procedures can be postponed depending on which trimester the patient is in. Anything for that matter, it's only your Dentist who can decide this.

In case a procedure is necessary to be carried out, the most common fear of any pregnant patient would be

How is the seating in the dental chair going be

A pregnant patient is always advised and guided to sit by tilting laterally towards her left side. This is mostly recommended during the 3rd trimester.

Will the dental materials used be safe?

All the dental materials used are well-verified and approved for use. And it is absolutely safe for all kinds of patients be it Kids, the elderly, medically compromised, or pregnant patients.

During elective surgical procedures, locally used anesthetics are considered safe when given properly and in a precise dose. The local anesthesia used in the majority of dental practice is safe for administration.

Will the medications prescribed by the dentist cause any kind of the side effects

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA has categorized drugs based on their potential risk factors during pregnancy, based on the category the safest drugs are been advised to prescribe. Even then, the Dentist will always prescribe drugs needed for you only after taking your Gynecologist’s opinion.

In order to avoid all this, the simplest solution would be to visit your dentist well before you plan your pregnancy. And it is always important to follow:

  1. Brushing twice a day.

  2. Use fluoridated mouthwash if it is prescribed by your dentist.

  3. Maintaining a balanced diet.

  4. Rinsing your mouth after each meal and after sugary intakes.

  5. Revisiting your dentist when recommended.

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